Assistant Professor
Physics Department
Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani
Research Interests
Neutrino Experiments - DUNE, JUNO, IceCube, ANITA
Neutrino Theory - Mass Models
Dark Matter - Models
Dark Matter - Indirect Detection
Ph.D. Physics (Supervisor: Prof. Subhendra Mohanty)
M.Sc. (Hons.) Physics & M.Sc. (Hons.) Mathematics
I am currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus. One of my primary research goals is to develop the science case for a deuterated liquid scintillator detector that can be indigenously built with resources and technology available in India. I am mostly interested in neutrino phenomenology with an eye on present and future detectors. I also work in areas related to dark matter and astroparticle physics.
Feasibility of DUNE to detect neutrinos from dark matter annihilation in the Sun.
Development of the science case for a deuterated scintillator detector that can be build with resources in India.
Role of new physics on clustering of cosmic neutrino background and implication for Ptolemy